History Behind Buffet system

When we organize any event the food is served in buffet system. It is style of serving food you mostly have see in events. It is the best serving system of style where people can serve themselves without the help of anyone yet there are some servers that stand for serving food. You can see this system almost anywhere whether in home events and occasions or in office parties, hotels, restaurants or in any other public events. Buffets are considered to have hot dishes. Apart from that there are finger buffets too where foods are small and can be easily consumed by hands. Apart from all these buffets I organized sweet candy buffets for a small event when my daughter won a race competition.

sweet candy buffets

Buffet system originated around middle of 16th century and flourished around 18th century and the custom was developed more modern around the beginning of 19th century. The word ‘buffet’ is referred to the French sideboard furniture where the food was served and slowly it became a type of serving format. The ‘buffet’ word became popular in English speaking countries around second half of the 20th century when Swedes popularized the smorgasbord in New York, after it buffet became popular and the word buffet fully got accepted into English language.

Sweet Candy Buffets

When I organized sweet candy buffets for my daughter’s win I told the history behind the word ‘buffet’ to my daughter and her friends. It was all interesting that how this style of serving became popular and came onto everyone’s tongue. Now wherever you go you will find this system of serving where people comfortably can serve themselves as much they want to. Anyone can organize buffet as they want to and it depends on you too that what kind of buffet you want to organize as I organized for my daughter.